
BlogMe Sentiment Analysis using VADER NLP

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Project description: BlogMe, a famous blogging business has a dataset of news articles that they need further analysis on.

Firstly, they’d like keywords to be extracted from headlines of the article. Secondly, they would need to determine the sentiment of the news articles. The data is in an excel sheet and they would like to see a dashboard outlying sentiment, top articles etc.

I used Python to clean the dataset and do some analysis. Data visualization was done in Tableau. Check out the dashboard here.

Python script below

import pandas as pd
import json
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer

##reading xlsx files

data = pd.read_excel('articles.xlsx')

##summary of the data 

#summary of the columns

#counting the number of articles per source
# format of groupby: df.groupby(['column_to_be_grouped'])['column_to_count'].count()


#number of reactions by publisher

#dropping a column
data = data.drop('engagement_comment_plugin_count' , axis=1)

keyword = 'crash'

#lets create a for loop to isolate each title row

def keywordflag(keyword):
    length = len(data)
    keyword_flag = []
    for x in range(0,length):
        heading = data['title'][x]
            if keyword in heading:
                flag = 1 
                flag = 0
            flag = 0
    return keyword_flag

keywordflag = keywordflag('murder')

#creating a new column in the data dataframe 

data['keyword_flag'] = pd.Series(keywordflag)


sent_int = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()

text = data['title'][8]
sent = sent_int.polarity_scores(text)

neg = sent['neg']
pos = sent['pos']
neu = sent['neu']

#adding a for loop to extract sentiment per title 
#creating an empty dataframe to return the values of sentiment analysis to
title_neg_sentiment = []
title_pos_sentiment = []
title_neu_sentiment = [] 

length = len(data)
for x in range(0,length):
    try: #add try and except in case we have a null value in the 'title'
        text = data['title'][x]    
        sent_int = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() #you need to initialize the vader sentimentanalysis first
        sent = sent_int.polarity_scores(text)
        neg = sent['neg']
        pos = sent['pos']
        neu = sent['neu']
        neg = 0
        pos = 0
        neu = 0 
#transform to series 
title_neg_sentiment = pd.Series(title_neg_sentiment)
title_pos_sentiment = pd.Series(title_pos_sentiment)
title_neu_sentiment = pd.Series(title_neu_sentiment)

#adding these back to the df
data['title_neg_sentiment'] = title_neg_sentiment
data['title_pos_sentiment'] = title_pos_sentiment
data['title_neu_sentiment'] = title_neu_sentiment

#writing the data 
data.to_excel('blogme_cleaned.xlsx', sheet_name='blogmedata', index=False)
